Saturday, August 02, 2008

Dead Monster Washes Ashore in Montauk

This is an actual monster, some sort of rodent-like creature with a dinosaur beak. A tipster says that there is "a government animal testing facility very close by in Long Island," but unless the government is trying to design horrible Montauk monsters that will eat IEDs and fart fire at bad Iraqis, we're not sure why they would create such an unthinkable beast. Our guess is that it's viral marketing for something.

Unknown Country comments here.

Meanwhile, take a look at this.


John M. said...

It's a dead, bloated dog.

I'd love to believe it's some sort of horrible government experiment gone wrong, but it's a dog.

Anonymous said...

I agree it's a dead dog, most likely a pit bull. And, around the neck, head, and forelegs, photoshop effects have been added. No provenance regarding photo origin either. Stupid hoax.

Mac said...

I agree that it's almost certainly a hoax, but I just could't resist posting it.

Anonymous said...

Here's another photo, from a different angle:

Clearly, this is just a dead dog, with it's snout rotted off via decomposition. Pretty damn unpleasant, actually.

"...I just could't resist posting it."

Really? Why? Things a little slow around the PHB beat? I'm a bit disappointed.

Mac said...

Really? Why? Things a little slow around the PHB beat? I'm a bit disappointed.

Then I suggest you find another blog to read. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

I apologize for the snarky remark. Seriously.

I think I was "in a mood" about all the bogus stories like this one floating around lately, some of which you've recently referenced and made posts about or linked to.

It's just that this particular bogus story, which is making the rounds, and which originated on, a rather salaciously seedy gossip site, seemed to be beneath what I perceived to be your usual standards.

Perhaps it's just me, and that I'm becoming more cynical and skeptical about these kinds of stories, and am somewhat disturbed by what this kind of, shall we say, disinfotainment, implies about the "dumbing down" of our culture and more specifically, how things like this muddy the waters of reality-based, objective, and serious investigation of actual anomalous incidents and matters.

When you casually said, "...I just could't resist posting it," my reaction was, "Oh, no! Not Mac, too!" and I was curious as to why that was--I was briefly upset or concerned that this kind of dark, diversionary "meme" was seeping in, and I thought you have always had a more discriminating, objective take on such matters.

But, since my remark was rude, I'm sorry I said it.

In a way, you may be right--maybe I should move on, and focus on matters I find of greater seriousness, quality, and import, and seek such data elsewhere. But, I still wonder--what was the point, if any, of this post about a dead dog?

Mac said...

I like weirdness, perceived or otherwise. The "Montauk Monster" registered on my radar and I thought PB readers who hadn't encountered it would like a gander.

Ironically, while I've moved on, *you're* the one who seems a bit obsessed.

Anonymous said...

If you think that, then I would have to say my impression that you were more discerning just might be incorrect, and that your comment and impression about my being "obsessed" is simply wrong, and needlessly perjorative.

I think you may need to "retune" your radar to eliminate spurious signals and ground clutter. Let's both move on, shall we?

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Anonymous said...

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tanggalmerah1 said...

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Obat Ambeien Banyak orang merasa wasir atau ambeien bukanlah suatu penyakit yang kronis dan tidak perlu dikhawatirkan mengganggu kesehatan tubuh. Memang secara anatomi ambeien bukanlah bagian dari suatu penyakit namun jika dibiarkan terlalu lama akan membuat si penderita tidak pernah merasa nyaman Obat Ambeien Ampuh

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Anonymous said...

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Cara Alami Penyembuhan Wasir Berdarah
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