Thursday, July 02, 2009


GrowShelter: Living, Growing Shelter for Plants, Animals and People

Consisting of three spherical shells embedded with seeds, the habitat is designed to evolve with the seasons - starting the cycle in spring, the spheres are embedded in a mixture of earth/mud/seed, and as summer approaches, the plants will be in bloom and the embedded food in the mud will create a mini haven for local animals and birds. The earth should weather away by fall and winter, leaving the permanent shells ready to be packed again for spring.

I anticipate a future world where cities and countrysides alike teem with amalgamations of gourd-like bio-engineered homes. Pitted with entrances, perhaps they'll recall the biomorphic sculptural forms of Henry Moore: vast inhabitable artworks that change over time in a choreography of adaptation and whimsy.

[Follow me on Twitter.]


Red Pill Junkie said...

Reminds me of the work of Mexican Architect Javier Senosian.

Mac said...

@Red Pill Junkie

Awesome stuff! Thanks for the link.

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Strange. Thanks for the post!

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Sounds very tattoine of star wars, i wonder if we are gonna live that someday because the earth is gonna be so contaminated that would be impossible to survive outside... =S
Creepy but i could happen.

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