Sunday, July 09, 2006

Kate Moss . . . pole-dancing? In black-and-white? How did I miss this?


Paul Kimball said...


Jessica Alba I understand. Natalie Portman I understand. But your obsessions with drug-addled "supermodel" Kate Moss is beyond me. Ick.



Mac said...

But your obsessions with drug-addled "supermodel" Kate Moss is beyond me. Ick.

Paul, you're a card!

Paul Kimball said...

No, really, I was serious this time. I just don't get it.



Ray Palm (Ray X) said...


Sorry, but I'm going to have to second Paul's "ick," at least based upon that B&W photo. It makes her look like a gray alien in drag (wig, lipstick, plastic nose, etc.). Man, if she looks like one of those beautfiful spacewoman you've been stealing from Billy Meier, I think you better take a closer look! [G]



PS: Was Kate pole-dancing or being used as a pole in a dance? [Ouch!]

JohnFen said...

Yup, Kate Moss always gave me the creeps. She tends to look so sad, abused, and ill.

I gotta say, though, that as she's been getting older, she's been looking better.

Mac said...

OK. Since I'm obviously the minority in this pressing, ever-heated debate: Any Kate Moss *fans* reading this? I am not mad!

Ray Palm (Ray X) said...


You wrote:

"I am not mad!"

WADR (With All Due Respect), do you mean "mad" in the sense of anger or insanity? [G]



Katie said...

I thought she looked beautiful in the video. And those legs! I'm jealous. :oP

The only thing I find scary about Kate is her taste in men.

Anonymous said...

a new url for the vid