Friday, September 08, 2006

I braved the throngs of empty-headed teenagers* at Barnes & Noble this evening and picked up my reserved copy of "The Grays," which I might just start tonight.

*All in ready-made "punk" gear and requisite "goth" haircuts. They never actually read anything, mind you. Many never actually enter the store; those that do gravitate to the lobby, where their body-piercings can be more readily seen by unsuspecting patrons.

I long for a real bookstore in my part of town. Somewhere with soft music, lots of dog-eared out-of-print titles and an espresso machine. If and when we develop full-immersion VR in which the user can construct his universe to comply to every aesthetic whim, that's where I'm going. (Occasional sex would be nice, too.)


  1. Well, I can't say anything for the "Occasional sex" part, but if you ever want to experience the ultimate bookstore, I'd suggest going to Denver, and checking out the "Tattered Cover" bookstore. (

    This was my favorite bookstore ever.

  2. I read The Grays earlier this week. I found it rather disappointing.

  3. In Halifax, try either Schooner Books (very close to your hotel) or J. W. Doull's, which is just across the street from my office.

    I'm sure KC has similar stores.

