Saturday, March 03, 2007

This morning I picked up a bottle of homeopathic tinnitus medicine. I'm skeptical but more than willing to give it a chance.

I'm in somewhat better spirits. This evening I brought a sketch pad to Barnes & Noble and drew for a couple hours while listening to my MP3 player. It's uniquely empowering to have the better part of my CD collection stored in a device the size of a cigarette lighter.


  1. WMB--

    Click "tinnitus medicine." I hope this stuff helps. Even a little relief would be worth the $20.

  2. I'll let you know!

  3. Anonymous3:54 AM

    Um, homeopathy doesn't work like that! You *have* to have the right remedy for your symptoms or it will do nothing. Everyone is different and a good homeopath will prescribe different remedies for people with what appears to be the same condition. Now, you may be lucky and have picked the right one but there is no guarantee.

  4. Whatever it is, I think it might be helping! I woke up this morning and the siren-like sound in the left ear had almost vanished -- only to return later, but possibly diminished. Maybe sheer coincidence, maybe not.

  5. Anonymous9:32 PM

    I hate to be a downer but this is so much wishful thinking.
    It comes so close to you "have to believe" for it to work.
    I know those cruel medical professionals out there only support drug companies. If that was the case then how come every one knows the benefits of aspirin (at a penny a pill).
    Save your money .
    Put it into a nice white noise machine or great headphones that will block out outside sound so that u don't have to blast them.
    I wish u well.

  6. Anon.--

    It might be "wanting to believe" for some people, but not for me. I want it to work! ;-)

    If it doesn't I won't waste any time finding a specialist.

  7. hey did it get any better now?

  8. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Whatever the medical profession says, homeopath does work - it may well be placebo effect. Who cares. It works - I know from personal experience and that of many friends. But it has to be done properly.

    As to aspirin at a penny a pill - the only reason it's a penny a pill is because of reparations from the first world war, otherwise it would be much more expensive.

  9. No improvement yet, but I've only been taking the herbal pills a few days. I figure I'll give 'em a month.

  10. Ok.. Well, good luck :)
