Monday, January 07, 2008

It's the Far Future of 1992 and Hot, Dominant Women Rule the World!

Welcome to the world of The Feminists, a pulp novel published in 1971. It's the story of cubicle drone Keith Montalvo, who has been caught consensually slipping the pink torpedo to a female co-worker. Unfortunately, it's 1992 and the Big-Sisterish "Committee" has outlawed all unauthorized heterosex, and his crime is punishable by death.

Oh, how I want to read this.


  1. Dreams do sometimes come true.

  2. Elan--

    I've never seen this book in the pulp. If I had you could be damn sure I'd have grabbed it by now!

    Fight the "Committee"!

  3. Anonymous10:18 PM

    The "pink torpedo"?! I'll have to add that one to my Glossary of Terms.
