Monday, January 07, 2008

Our universe as virtual reality

Jacques Vallee, Hans Moravec and John Keel in the same sentence? Go for it!


  1. Well, here I go with Terence McKenna (again)…
    Long before The Matrix, he said:
    “This (reality) is a thing that is based on information, on code; and it can be hacked like any other code. Information is more primary than time and space, more primary than light and electromagnetism. Information is the stuff of Being… It’s almost as if it has a syntactical life of it’s own… it’s a virtual life-form running on a primate platform."

  2. Anonymous9:45 PM

    "Tank! I need a health hack for my arthritis fast!..Oh and my finances aren't doing so great either."


  3. McKenna was right ... possibly more right than he realized.

  4. Anonymous10:23 PM

    I basically subscribe to a version of this idea. What a lot of its proponents don't quite yet realize, however, is that the universe as "virtual reality" implies a Programmer....

  5. What a lot of its proponents don't quite yet realize, however, is that the universe as "virtual reality" implies a Programmer....

    Not so. I've yet to encounter a single proponent of the Simulation Hypothesis who ignores the implication.
