Sunday, January 06, 2008

Peter Watts blogs about evolution, shape-shifting and cancer.


  1. This is a topic that begs a reading of Graham Hancock’s book, “Supernatural”; along with Jeremy Narby’s “The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge.”
    DNA is the ultimate shape-shifter; the one consistent ingredient that runs through every life-form on this planet, from sea urchins to redwood forests to blue whales to hummingbirds, yet it remains, at its core, unchanged...
    Even Francis Crick allegedly hypothesized that DNA is such an advanced form of bio-technology, it could not have evolved on this planet and that it must have seeded our world from space, waiting for the right conditions that would permit it to flourish and transmogrify into the millions upon millions of life-forms that populate the dense, rich, incredibly climaxed biota of Earth…
    Hancock and Narby get into al of this with great eloquence.

  2. I recommend the short-story "Junk DNA" by Rudy Rucker and Bruce Sterling, available in the former's "Mad Professor" and the latter's "Visionary In Residence."
