Sunday, January 06, 2008

The truth is out: X-Files go public

The cases, many from a little-known defence intelligence branch tasked with investigating UFO claims, will be published by the Ministry of Defence to counter what officials say is 'the maze of rumour and frequently ill-informed speculation' surrounding Whitehall and its alleged involvement with Unidentifed Flying Objects.

The public opening of the MoD archive will expose the once highly classified work of the intelligence branch DI55, whose mission was to investigate UFO reports and whose existence was denied by the government until recently. Reports into about 7,000 UFO sightings investigated by defence officials - every single claim lodged over the past 30 years - are included in the files, whose staged release will begin in spring.


  1. Anonymous12:16 AM

    So, Mac--do you accept the premise of this article, and those quoted within it, that the MOD and DI55 files that either have been released, such as the Condign report, and that are scheduled for a graduated release, are all the files on the ufo phenomena the British military have?

  2. Intense--

    In answer to your question: not for a second.

  3. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Wise, informed answer.

  4. Anonymous10:22 PM

    I can't imagine the U.S. DoD doing this. Their impulse is to classify ever MORE information, not declassify it and make it publicly available. Differing national styles, I guess....
