Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ufological newsflash from France . . .


  1. Anonymous1:02 AM

    "Ufology is the research on reports of Unidentified Flying Object sightings by people convinced that the reports of "non undentified" UFO sightings might be explained differently than as only confusions and inventions.."


    Wonder how long this organization will last. I hope they get someone familiar with translating their "Franglais" into grammatical English.

    I scanned the site, and note that under "organization", with a link to "organization charts" (although there is only one "chart"), they have an "Admissions & Removal" committee.

    Well, it's good to see they have their bureaucracy established. I didn't see anything about research noted, however.

    Somehow, I can faintly hear Nick Redfern laughing...

  2. Somehow, I can faintly hear Nick Redfern laughing...

    Me too.

    (At first I was heartened because I misread their mission statement and thought that they had Vallee on board -- although I thought his inclusion pretty unlikely.)
