Sunday, January 26, 2003

Testing. Seriously.


  1. Anonymous2:12 AM

    I decided on a whim to go all the way back to the begining of this blog in order to see how it started and developed over time.

    I was also interested to see how Mac's "voice" had evolved over time, as his blog is now nearly 5 years old and has over 6000 posts.

    In scanning over the posts for 2003 quickly, I was somewhat surprised that many of the people and themes he's still mentioning at times even now (late October, 2007) were being discussed nearly 5 years before.

    It may seem a bit odd to post this comment on his first blog entry, but I figured if anyone else did the same thing (travel to this blog's origin), they could also post a comment.

    Maybe we can establish a "secret comment clubhouse" of sorts and have our own dialogues in Mac's blog's past...yeah, that is a tad weird, ain't it? Ha! 8^}

    Hey, Mac, if this post shows up as new in your stats, and you check to see what was posted, would you let me know? Not sure if you'll ever see this or not.

    I feel like some armchair Flash Gordon from the future transiting to the past to make a contemporaneous comment. Strange, that.

  2. Hi! It's weird back here in 2003, huh? And you're quite right: I've been developing the same themes for five years. I suppose I'm either single-minded or diligent ... maybe both!

  3. Nice post as for me! Good job and keep posting!

  4. great site, keep it up the good work.

  5. Circle Square Triangle3:27 AM

    Things fall apart.

    Posted 4/27/2016

  6. I will note the very weird "synchronicity" of the above comment from me (using Circle Square Triangle as a pseud), from 4/27/2016, citing the "12-27-2017 /Things fall apart" comment, and the strange fact of the 12/16/2017 NYT breakthrough article on UFO/UAP AATIP phenomena study finally being publicly acknowledged (and over a year later formally conceded by the USG/DOD) that the three UAP videos released then were truly US Navy recordings of actual, confirmed UAP.

    This is the fourth documented incidence I've found so far of what appears might be some kind of "precognitive" prediction of the first genuine concession by the USG (very belatedly) of the legitimacy of UFO/UAP reality. Fuckin' bizarre, to say the least, IMHO.

    I think the "multiverse" (or Mac, maybe?) is possibly trying to tell me something, although that is probably merely unwarranted speculation. But, I'll bite, as it were.

    So, by late Summer 2022 I will hopefully go public with some UAP data, from 2 direct, personal CE experiences, 35 years apart, that will be my small contribution to the necessary effort to try and bring about the needed paradigm shift humanity is seeking.

    Wish me luck - it could go either way (good vs bad), or perhaps nowhere at all. We shall see.

    Change, the only constant, is going to come. I will announce the site here when I'm ready to take the plunge into the unknown.

    Until then...

  7. Nota bene:

    Comment above posted October 31, 2021

    Happy Halloween!

