Friday, February 07, 2003

The "Men in Black" phenomenon might be the clue that unlocks the holographic hall of mirrors that is forteana/ufology. My thoughts on apparent aliens have detoured slightly from Jacques Vallee's theories and into the "superspectrum" of John Keel -- not that Vallee and Keel are mutually exclusive. We are spatially biased; we speak of multidimensional intelligences without grasping the ramifications of four-dimensional awareness. How to address a mind that exists in all points in time simultaneously? Is communication possible or are we doomed to fevered speculation? (Marc Davenport's "Visitors from Time" just might be vitally insightful.)

Charles Fort: "If there is a Universal Mind, must it be sane?"

On my immediate to-read list:

"The Secret History of Ancient Egypt"
"The Elements of the Qabalah"
"Kane of Old Mars"

"Everybody's lost but they're pretending they're not."

--Morrissey, "Lost"

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