Sunday, March 23, 2003

Another antiwar protest today. Will I go? I don't know yet. I'm not a crowd person; large masses of people acutely bother me, even if they're congregating for a purpose I fully support. (Science fiction conventions are sheer hell.) Doubtlessly there's a pill for this condition.

Fellow blogger Jason Sheets has summed up the "anti-antiwar" argument in all of its Orwellian absurdity. Read and enjoy.

Large humanoid rabbits have once again infested the Plaza, the microcosmic consumer-culture observatory where I live (nine floors above the insolent, bag-toting crowds). I hate these damned things. This year they're equipped with durable eyeballs that, presumably, won't be plucked from their sockets by idiot tourists. Somehow I'm not convinced.

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