Friday, March 28, 2003

The entire Muslim world -- not to mention Europe -- knows the U.S.-led war for what it is: an invasion, not an altruistic "liberation" effort.

And by attacking (oops, I meant liberating) Baghdad we're setting the stage so Iraqi military scientists can eventually ply their trade as freelancers. Having them all under Saddam's iron-fisted regime was actually very convenient from a strategic point of view. Now they're going to be all over the world cooking up nukes and who knows what else for the highest bidder; there's more than enough "missing" plutonium with or without Iraq's proverbial (but strangely unseen) "weapons of mass destruction." The "hornet's nest" analogy is beginning to look uncomfortably apt. Duck and cover!

Strangely, for someone who doesn't watch TV (let alone stare into the maelstrom of CNN), this war has colored my thoughts lately -- very much an unwanted invasion in its own right. I need to attain cool, cosmic detachment lest I disintegrate.

Note: This blog will now feature occasional pictures for your viewing edification.

"Come, Armageddon, come Armageddon, come."

--Morrissey, "Everyday is Like Sunday"

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