Monday, March 10, 2003

A new restaurant has opened directly across from my high-rise. It has valet parking and looks like it might be kind of swank. But I can't make out their neon-lit sign: "Frankie's"?

Tiring Monday. I started Michael Moorcock's "Kane of Old Mars" last night. So far it's a brilliantly executed homage to Edgar Rice Burroughs' "Barsoom" novels. Moorcock is a staggeringly prolific author. I've got an omnibus volume of his controversial "Jerry Cornelius" novels on my shelf but don't know if they've been censored or not. The four books have been recently reissued as "The Cornelius Quartet," which claims to be the only unsanitized version to date, but I think the publisher's fibbing.

"With no reason to talk about the books I read, but still I do."


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