Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Nodal points
islands of stability
in binary neural fugue
livid and pulsating
Vegas psychedelia
LCDs and phosphors
left in the wake of an escaped singularity
endless screens
and calculated departures
an unnoted hush
encompassing vinyl
and cool glass partitions
resinous extruded signs
chrome railings marred
with anonymous DNA

The post-Starbucks landscape. Airports that operate with the strange precision of dream; the solipsism of travel. Laptops and blush-response detectors... "Do you mind if I smoke?"

Memories recorded and replayed on LCD screens. "Make it work..."

From "Blade Runner:" "Is this to be an empathy test? Capillary dilation or the so-called blush-response?"

In Philip K. Dick's book, the only absolutely foolproof way of determining if a subject was an android was via a bone-marrow test.

The luminous vertical landscape of Chicago materializing like computer graphics below the wing of the plane, geometric constellations in inverted night. Carl Sagan (paraphrased): "Intelligence betrays itself through the regularity of its structures." Pattern recognition. Mummified scribes breathing/whispering through the continous shockwave of history. "In Heaven, Everything is Fine."

"I'm not here. This isn't happening."

--Radiohead, "How to Disappear Completely"

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