Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Note: Absolutely no comments about the Iraq war in this post.

Some CDs currently in my player:
"Heathen" and "Young Americans" (David Bowie) I think Bowie's new output is actually better than his halcyon "Ziggy Stardust" stuff...)

"Tidal" (Fiona Apple) Immensely talented; quite possibly the real thing...

"The City" (Vangelis) Known for his stirring soundtrack work (i.e., "Blade Runner.")

I've posted a neat Mars mission patch on my Cydonia site. I should have the Mars book mss. prepped and mailed by the weekend.

Does the new century/decade have a flavor yet? The 80s and 90s certainly did. Presumably the 70s did too but I was only around for five years of them and remember very little. I could have been raised by aliens and I'd never know it. (Actually, that would explain a lot...)

My internal calendar is marked by offbeat "defining events." The first was 1987, when Whitley Strieber's "Communion" was published, even though I didn't read it until much later. In 1991, R.E.M.'s "Out of Time" came out, and that set the tone for my high-school existence; "Monster," released in '95, kicked off my college experience (or lack thereof).

Since 1998 or so it's been a blind and unheeding dive into adulthood, punctuated with bursts of existential panic. I feel simultaneously about 10 and about 90.

"So who are we, so small in times such as these?"

--David Bowie, "Slow Burn"

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