Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Three-week editorial extension for the "Mars book" (I call it that because I can easily imagine the publisher deciding on another title). I got a haircut after work. While waiting, I read a news magazine with an article titled "Bush and God." Thankfully a soft-spoken Asian woman with scissors arrived before I could get too disgusted.

I caved and bought Zechariah Sitchin's "Divine Encounters." I'm on a New Age/conspiracy binge, hoarding kooky, outre ideas which I will later use to animate my own works of fact and fiction. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself.

Seen any good blobjects lately? I see 'em everywhere now. I saw 'em before, but Sterling's chapter on postindustrial design (in "Tomorrow Now") has upped my cognitive resolution. Now they jump out at me with a sense of organic urgency. David Cronenberg was there first, of course. The "Gynecological Instruments for Operating on Mutant Women" from "Dead Ringers" were definitely blobjects.

Oh, yes -- Bob Frissell ("Nothing in This Book is True...") has his own website. Then again...who doesn't?

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