Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Breaking (weird) news...

I just sent the following letter to UFO UpDates:

A story about vanished (presumably kidnapped) tourists appears on Whitley Strieber's Unknown Country today (4-15-03). A "cryptic message" was left etched in the bark of a tree, reading "CROATAN."

This immediately rang a bell. I reached for Ken MacLeod's science fiction novel "Cosmonaut Keep" (which, eerily enough, deals with flying saucers and ETs) and found the following text as the epigraph:

"and one of the chiefe trees or posts at the right side of the entrance had the barke taken off, and 5 foote from the ground in fayre Capitall letters was graven CROATOAN without any crosse or signe of distresse"

Is this a clue?

What am I missing?

Mac Tonnies


I just Googled "CROATOAN" and found this historical reference, which sheds some light on MacLeod's novel (I never did get that epigraph...) but unfortunately seems to shed little on the disappearance in question...unless it's a hoax, and this is the hoaxer's clever "signature."

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