Monday, April 28, 2003

Here's my (very brief) assessment of author/scholar Richard Dolan's new essay on the "flying triangle" phenomenon (soon to be included with his other "Alien Essays"). Given the overwhelming evidence that unknown triangular aircraft are in our skies, Dolan asks if they're ours . . . or someone else's. Read his essay before reading the following, which began as a letter to Dolan.

Personally, I'm less troubled by the possibility of a "shadow government." The mere existence of a multi-billion dollar "deep black" military budget would virtually demand that something like a "secret goverment" or "shadow group" be created. I remember an engineer (who claimed to have worked on the same project as Bob Lazar) who said that a deep-black "satellite" government was created in the 1960s to deal with the extraterrestrial issue. (Substitute "electrogravitics" for "extraterrestrial" and the gist of his testimony suddenly becomes easier to accept. The ET mythos, along with Lazar's alleged experience at Area 51, might be disinformation.) Supposedly the satellite government interfaces with the "real" government occasionally but remains more or less autonomous.

As for gravity modification, I'm haunted by the possibility that, if we have it, we've likely sent human-crewed antigravity craft into space. Perhaps activity of this sort is responsible for some of the anomalous video footage taken from the Space Shuttle.

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