Sunday, April 13, 2003

I tried to take a nap yesterday but some guy with a megaphone was standing over by the Horse Fountain shouting out some masturbatory tirade against the Iraq war. And this was Saturday -- the big antiwar protest is today, so the Plaza's probably really in for some incendiary amplified rants... I suppose I should be glad the war is being opposed -- and I am -- but I've become horribly cynical about the protest scene, with its limp slogans and quaint simplifications. I still don't know exactly what's going on. The war and the administration that spawned it is a diabolical hall or mirrors. The best I can do is make educated guesses and try not to become a drooling conspiracy-monger.

Speaking of conspiracy-mongers, check out the Sumer/Iraq connection photos at the Enterprise Mission (a site ostensibly about ET archaeology). This was only a matter of time.

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