Wednesday, April 30, 2003

I went shopping at Half-Price Books after work. This is a great place. I bought a brand-new trade edition of Whitley Strieber's "The Secret School" and a book called "The Ultimate Alien Agenda," supposedly an abductee's scoop on the hybridization program I described several posts back. A month ago I wouldn't have bothered with it, but I find myself drawn to the possibility of human-alien hybrids. It's a powerful metaphor, if nothing else. Doesn't anyone seem to realize we're living through a Jungian paradigm shift? It doesn't matter if these human-alien chimeras exist or not; a lot of "normal" people certainly think they do. New mythologies are a good place to start understanding the human dynamic of the UFO problem (which may be the reason the phenomenon exists in the first place, as capably argued by Jacques Vallee and Colin Wilson).

I expected my mss. to be waiting for me when I opened my door; it wasn't there. So I suppose that leaves the evening free.

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