Monday, April 21, 2003

Maybe it's infantile or escapist, but I'd like to live a thoroughly wired existence. Brain implants. Cognitive enhancements. "Bionic" senses. Media players and cameras embedded in my eyes. Unlimited memory. 24-hour Internet access at the speed of thought. All on my own terms, of course. (You can check out my transhumanism page if you're interested in stuff like this.)

While we're at it, let's eradicate the need for sleep. Sure, the dreaming part is neat, but life is just too damned short.

Last night I started Ken MacLeod's "Dark Light," the sequel to "Cosmonaut Keep." MacLeod is formidably intelligent and one of the top ten speculative writers working today. His stuff is sharp, surreal and very rewarding.

Sorry this is short; it's been a tiring Monday and I'll probably end up taking a nap. How pathetic. I've got things I want to do!

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