Thursday, April 24, 2003

"New" short-stories posted to MTVI...

I just posted two stories to my site: "The Symbiosis" and "The Reenactment." They're not especially new, but this is the first time they've appeared on the Web. And I'm too preoccupied (and too damned lazy) to take up submitting them to science fiction magazines right now, which is what I should be doing...

To read them, visit my Dead Letter Office page.

I threw away some old notebooks this evening. Tons of old stories and journal entries I barely remember writing. Most of it was unfinished, but definitely reflected the sort of fiction I write now: surreal settings, weird technology, apocalyptic vibes. I've started a new project that may evolve into a novel; it's much too early to tell. In the meantime, I can keep my ego afloat by thinking about my Mars book.

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