Thursday, May 08, 2003

The hype surrounding the new "Matrix" movie is interesting. Does some of the original's appeal come from the premise (i.e., that "reality" is a fraud used to control human beings) and not merely the great special effects and combat scenes? If what I think I know about the UFO intelligence -- Philip K. Dick called it "VALIS" (for Vast Active Living Intelligence System"...which is about all he ventured as to its actual nature) -- is correct, then we are indeed living in a simulation of sorts. No wires running out of our skulls, mind you; when you believe in something thoroughly enough, virtual reality pales in comparison.

We generally think we inhabit an unremarkable planet in a lonely universe spawned by an anthropomorphic Creator. I'm inclined to disagree with this. I think we're inhabiting a universe flooded with life and intelligence, some so exotic we simply don't recognize it as such from our provincial vantage-point. At least one of these intelligences appears to have seized on our capacity for belief to control us for ends that may be for our ultimate benefit but unquestionably cause untold suffering now. All of this is disquietingly "Matrix"-like.

I don't think our universe is merely a computer. More likely it's an intelligence itself (artificial or otherwise) . . . possibly one of trillions that swarm through hyperspace.

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