Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Aesthetic alert!

Car I don't like: the "Aztek." Really, really ugly; much worse than your usual SUV fair. It looks like two entirely different vehicles were sliced into vertical layers by a high-powered laser and arbitrarily fitted together. The angles and contours are just . . . wrong. Needless to say, the Aztek is hideously popular, joining the ranks of other much-seen Cars I Can't Stand: the PT Cruiser, Mini Cooper and Hum-Vee. (Click here to look at it. May cause vomiting.)

Bring 'em on!

If you've been waiting for a good reason to dislike Bush but just can't summon the resolve, I'd like to think his already-infamous "Bring 'em on" speech should do the trick. Bad Presidents are a perfectly normal American phenomenon. Actively sinister Presidents are much rarer, I think. Bush definitely ranks among the latter. That said, I've made "Bring 'em on!" my new motto. It's applicable to a surprising range of situations.

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