Sunday, July 13, 2003

The book I received yesterday is "Strange Secrets," a new one from Paraview/Pocket Books -- the same imprint that will be publishing my "After the Martian Apocalypse" next year. I've read the first two chapters; the authors have managed to do some digging and find some paranormal trivia I didn't know about. For example, in 1952 the Air Force investigated a crop circle filled with a gelatinous material. As far as I know, this "slime" hasn't been reported before or since.

I'm half-finished with Williamson's "Terraforming Earth," which is outstanding. (Williamson coined the terms terraforming and genetic engineering, the former in a very good pulp novel called "Seetee Ship.")

I stopped by the Discovery Channel Store and found some stuff I want, including a desktop levitating globe and a rather wicked brain-shaped plasma ball.

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