Thursday, July 31, 2003

From The Electric Warrior:

MacBot Portrait to Adorn New Mars Cydonia Book

(The Electric Warrior) - My portrait of Mac Tonnies has been (tentatively) selected to appear as image of the author on his forthcoming book, After the Martian Apocalypse. The book, scheduled to appear early 2004, should be finished any day now. According to Mac's blog, "I'm emailing the polished version of my manuscript to my publisher this week and I want it to be perfect."

As I understand it, a B&W version of the same portrait accompanies an article by Mac in the August 2003 edition of "Mysteries" magazine. He takes a cautious, but decidedly open-minded stance on the Martian enigmas at Cydonia.

"Some scientists have argued that life on Earth originated not on Earth itself but inside comets that crashed together during the formation of the solar system, potentially seeding both Earth and Mars," writes Mac, citing the theory of panspermia. "If so, the hypothesized 'Martians' who constructed the Face may be our relatives."


Note: The disclaimer here is that the graphics people at Simon & Schuster reserve the right to do away with the EW portrait, although I don't know why they would. If nothing else, the image -- or possibly another EW rendering, which I personally like better (below) --should appear inside the book, if not on the cover. But for the sake of color, I hope it's on the back jacket.

I bought blank cassettes on the way home from work so I can listen to actual music in my car instead of the drivel they play on the radio. The first CD to make the transition to tape is Bjork's "Greatest Hits."

Moron on NPR on why he opposes gay marriage: "radical individualism" (his term!) threatens to undermine social stability.

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