Friday, July 11, 2003

I have to take Ebe to the vet tomorrow. I'm going to chance sleeping in the living room (where it's coolest) and hope I wake in time for the appointment.

"Terraforming Earth" is compelling. Successive generations of clones -- born millions of years apart as the Earth recovers from an asteroid collision -- attempt to render the planet habitable to human life. But evolution on the "new" Earth has taken weird turns. Is "terraforming" it worth the effort? Is it even ethical? Author Jack Williamson poses worthwhile questions.

I have a distant interest in the crowd of high-tech cyclists that gathers outside LatteLand. Their bikes look like laminated oragami insects. I could go into a full-blown techno-erotic spiel about human/machine interfaces, but I'll desist. J.G. Ballard has pretty much said all there is to say on the subject anyway.

I think chai has replaced espresso as my beverage of choice, at least for now.

I put Sade's "Diamond Life" in my CD player; I really like this one.

"he's laughing with another girl
and playing with another heart.
placing high stakes, making hearts ache.
he's loved in seven languages.
diamond nights and ruby lights, high in the sky.
heaven help him, when he falls."

--"Smooth Operator"

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