Monday, July 07, 2003

The late, great Philip K. Dick.

I sent the following letter to the book editor of my local paper regarding a review of Philip K. Dick's "Counter-Clock World." I'm glad to say that after a somewhat emotionally charged exchange, we're on good terms. (The Kansas City Star indeed seems to have a mysterious affinity for Kevin J. Anderson, but evidently I was blaming the wrong guy.)

Dear [editor's name here],

No, actually I don't accept the premise that the late Philip K. Dick was "basically nuts," as you write in your capsule review of the newly reissued "Counter-Clock World." Instead, I find it sad that Dick, dead and unable to defend himself, must suffer adolescent name-calling from an editor whose evident fixation on hack SF writer Kevin J. Anderson has apparently dulled him to the point where brilliance and sensitivity equal mental illness.


[signature file here]

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