Tuesday, July 15, 2003

A new story idea struck this morning. The setting is a not-so-distant but reasonably apocalyptic and massively depopulated alternate future in which Elvis' body has been frozen inside a see-thru cryogenic casket. (Yes, the Elvis-as-religion meme has been expertly mined by Jack Womack, but I think I have something original to say with this.)

More literary musings: I have a second nonfiction book about aliens I'd like to write, and I think I could actually get it published. Another idea that's been in the back of my mind is a documentary of the Cyberpunk Movement to be called "The Color of Television" (taken from the opening sentence of "Neuromancer").

Finally, I'd like to write a novel. About what, specifically, I don't know. It would probably be a high-tech space-opera. (I've written an opening chapter on my laptop which I like.) And I have a slew of short-stories that I think could appear in book form, but that will have to wait. After the Mars book comes out I plan to hire an agent.

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