Saturday, August 09, 2003

"Tomorrow" morning I take my kitten, Ebe, to the vet's for her third (and final) booster shot. That gives me just enough time to come home and talk to my editor about illustrations for my book.

I spent tonight reading "Perdido Street Station." This is the best book I've read in memory. Outstanding on every level.

On the way to the coffeeshop I saw another idiot shouldering an almost true-to-life-size cross. Fortunately for both of us he didn't attempt to engage me in conversation.

Col. Philip J. Corso

I spoke with author Joe Lewells on the phone today. His anecdote about Dr. J. Allen Hynek, recounted in passing in his book "The God Hypothesis," makes me wonder if the Army colonel who told Hynek about the recovery of alien bodies at Roswell, NM was none other than the much-maligned Philip Corso ("The Day After Roswell"). I suppose I'll never know -- Hynek died in 1986 and Corso only recently -- but Lewell's second-hand account argues that a UFO indeed crashed in 1947.

That's it for tonight. I'm exhausted.

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