Monday, August 11, 2003

Yet more greenhouse effect fun. You thought 9-11-01 was shocking? Get some perspective: that was a couple airplanes slamming into a couple buildings. Wait until the world's oceans are so thick with excess C02 that they finally start outgassing, leaving coastal cities as sprawling, biohazard graveyards. Cheney's undisclosed location better have plenty of oxygen tanks.

I keep seeing this great patriotic slogan on bumper-stickers: "9-11: We Will Never Forget." But that directly implies that we're going to be here forever, which we're plainly not. Ultimately, no one's going to care because there won't be anyone left.

Sheesh, you're thinking. This guy's overreacting! Am I? Look at the surface of Mars. There used to be oceans there. Not anymore. Something happened, something almost unthinkably bad.

I fear the 21st century is going to be one prolonged atrocity. The hideously backfired spectacle of "Operation Iraqi Freedom" will be less than a footnote compared to the eco-disasters we'll be contending with in the next few decades. Take a deep breath.

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