Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Two new changes to the Cydonian Imperative

I've purchased a "safety net" plan from my ISP so that the site won't go offline if I happen to exceed my data transfer allocation. I wouldn't even have considered doing this a month ago, but with the amount of visitors I'm receiving now, I thought it was a sensible move.

I've also added a PayPal account, which acts as an online "tip jar" for anyone who wants to make a donation. I've been generally negative toward this practice, as it seems somewhat self-congratulatory ("You know, my site is so cool that you really should give me some money for looking at it. No pressure or anything") and needy. But I've overcome my prejudice. If someone drops me a few bucks, I can certainly use it to help offset the cost of my increased data transfer.

Tomorrow I see R.E.M. at Starlight Theatre. For a pretty good on-stage photo taken from the current tour, see my music page. Expect a full report.

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