Tuesday, October 21, 2003

I just read that psychologist/abduction "therapist" Constance Clear died today. I'd read her book and was on her radio show, "Clear Talk," a couple years ago to discuss Mars anomalies. Clear wasn't the best radio host in the world; the best part of the experience was talking with her on the phone after the "interview" was over. I personally have grave doubts regarding support groups of any kind -- let alone groups created specifically for swapping alien stories. While I think abductions are real, I find the idea of abduction support groups shallow at best and damaging at worst. Some people claiming uncomfortably close encounters seem entirely normal, but some are fucking nuts. While this is true of any cross section of the population, I suspect that the nuts occupy a privileged niche in the abductee subculture, muddying the waters of objective research.

I don't know for sure where Clear fell into this scheme. Frankly, I found her entirely too credulous. Or was that merely her showbiz persona?

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