Thursday, January 29, 2004

I just overnighted my finalized book manuscript to Simon & Schuster. Next I'll be receiving galleys, which are like the book only minus the cover. I can hand these out to potential reviewers for sales blurbs, which will appear on the cover and inside. I've already got a few good ones.

S&S is marketing "After the Martian Apocalypse" partly on the basis of my science fiction, which may not sway too many readers convinced the prospect of ET artifacts on Mars is, itself, science fiction. Really, though, I'm not too concerned. I don't necessarily expect to change anyone's mind on the subject of planetary SETI. But I do want to lift the controversy out of the utterly flawed "believers vs. skeptics" arena and challenge prevailing "expert" assumptions, like the persistent idea that searching for alien radio signals is somehow more "scientific" than looking for evidence closer to home.

"Only" five more months till publication . . .

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