Monday, March 22, 2004

George W. Bush Is Getting Brain-jacked

"Vannevar Bush's vision was resurrected in the 1990s when the National Institutes of Health established its Neural Prosthesis Program. The NPP program pulls together disparate research on direct neural-computer communication and encourages cross-fertilization between scientists working on control of prosthetic limbs, cochlear implants, biomonitors and brain pacemakers. A central focus of the NPP is research on biomaterials, trying to find the right type of wires to communicate with human neurology."

Six-fingered tactile interface from the ever-intriguing "alien autopsy" footage.

This is imminently interesting stuff all by itself. But did you know that Vannevar Bush was a senior member of the original MJ-12 committee, allegedly created to exploit technology harvested from UFO crashes? I find Vannevar Bush's interest in brain uplinking most interesting, as some testimony -- such as that of Robert Sarbacher -- suggests that the "aliens" weren't entirely biological.

Was Vannevar Bush's interest in "cyborging" the result of attempts to reverse engineer the electronic pilot interface of extraterrestrial aircraft?

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