Saturday, March 27, 2004

I've discovered Gregory Benford's Galactic Center series. I'd promised myself to stay away from multivolume epics, but I might make an exception if "In the Ocean of Night" (originally a stand-alone) wins me over. The series is about humanity's realization that organic life is rare, with the galaxy dominated by ancient machine intelligences.

Rudy Rucker's "Frek and the Elixer" is out. I'm tempted to get this one in hardback. Check out the book's official site; Rucker isn't a bad painter at all.

Bruce Sterling has a new one on the way: "The Zenith Angle," reportedly to be marketed as a technothriller rather than science fiction. I feel obscurely guilty that I still haven't read "Zeitgeist."

Last night I enjoyed one of the best night's sleep in memory. I attribute this in no small part to brand-new pillows; I'd had my previous pillows for something like five years, and they'd become compacted by the weight of my head until they had the approximate buoyancy of dough. I gladly tossed them into the dumpster.

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