Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Blogger just asked me if I wanted to give Gmail, Google's new email service, a try. A very sunny invitation, too: "We've been busy testing and improving Gmail. Now, we're eager for more users to try it out and let us know what they think. As a long time Blogger user, we thought you'd be adventurous enough to really dive in and give Gmail a thorough test."

Flattered, I decided to take the plunge. And I get: "Our software suggests that you're using a browser incompatible with Gmail."

So no Gmail address for me, folks. Barring Gmail upgrades, I'm still exclusively macbot*yahoo.com. Besides, as I mentioned to Sauceruney, I'm obscurely proud of myself for having made the commitment to a single email address for the last ~6 years. I'm an email monogamist. It suppose it's in my genes.

Besides, how could I break the news to Yahoo?

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