Sunday, May 30, 2004

A Fiery Death for Dinosaurs?

"In the first few hours after a giant asteroid crashed into the coast of Mexico nearly 65 million years ago, the Earth's atmosphere became so hot that it quickly incinerated any unprotected life on land, according to a new report by a team of American geophysicists and geologists."

Sooner or later, this is going to happen to us. I keep saying this and everyone keeps on cringing at the same-sex marriage "crisis" or waxing apocalyptic about "decency" in the media or some such drivel.

I've said this before, too, but it bears repeating: If we get slammed by a relatively minor piece of space-rock, it will almost certainly be mistaken for a deliberate attack by earthly powers. So we can reasonably expect a hot-headed nuclear flurry after impact.

Then it's back to watching "Friends" reruns while we die lingeringly from breathing radioactive soot. And what really sucks is that we can't even blame Bush.

On a related note, I'm thinking of catching "The Day After Tomorrow" tonight. I've got a real jones for bad disaster movies. "Independence Day" is easily one of the dumbest movies ever conceived, but the opening sequence depicting the arrival of the monstrous alien ships is eminently watchable. I even sort of liked "Deep Impact."

But I draw the line at "Armageddon." There's bad and there's just plain dumb.

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