Saturday, May 22, 2004

It's probably just my PARANOIA (from John Shirley's blog)

"Now I'm thinking of that Berg film. Young man decapitated by Al-Qaeda terrorists in Iraq. The timing of it always bothered me--it came along exactly when Rumsfeld and friends needed something to shift sympathy back to the USA, after the Abu Ghraib prison scandal broke. Berg had been detained by Iraqi police first, and interrogated by FBI in Iraq. THen they said he was free to go and he was taken, almost instantly, by these abductors. This was two weeks, I believe, before his death. Rumsfeld already knew the Abu Ghraib scandal was going to break, at that point. He had word already. And according to Pacifica radio, there's an anonymous death squad operating in Iraq that's working *for* the occupation, for the USA and the governing council--or at least they're killing people who're opposed to the council and the US occupation. Supposedly they had some leaflets passed out, warning against helping the insurgents, and then they killed 8 people who were involved in the insurgency. Could they be the ones who killed Berg--on orders from Military Intelligence? Berg's antiwar father was listed on an 'enemies list' at a right wing website. THey might regard him as being from a family of 'traitors'. Sure, the CIA claims that's
al-Zarqawi's voice on the tape but they WOULD claim that--and there have been some arrests but they could be patsies . . .Well, all this is wild speculation."

Maybe. But keep it up.

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