Friday, May 28, 2004

"Pssst! Senorita! In here! The aliens will never find you!"

Boldly Going Nowhere

"Four people, including Harold Dahl and his son, witnessed the event from a salvage boat in a nearby bay. They reported seeing six doughnut-shaped craft, approximately 20 feet in diameter, hovering high above. Five of the craft formed a circle surrounding a craft in the middle that was wobbling badly. The seemingly damaged craft suddenly dropped down about 700 feet, then spewed two substances -- one was a paper-like metal that floated in the bay and the other was a hot, steaming, black sludge that rained down, striking Dahl's son and killing his dog."

This is a strange UFO case -- even if the purported UFOs were entirely fictional. Richard Dolan devotes an intriguing chapter to the Maury Island incident in "UFOs and the National Security State."

Flying into a silent sky future

"One of the most popular concepts for future aircraft has been the 'blended-wing body' design, originally devised by aerospace firm McDonnell Douglas. Prof Dowling believes a blended-wing concept is a strong contender for future craft."

It's also a strong contender for "reverse-engineered alien technology" meme-hood.

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