Monday, May 10, 2004

Tiny robot walker made from DNA

"The tiny walker is only 10 nanometres long and has been described as a major step forward in nanotechnology."

Get it? "Step" forward?

UFO Seen Hovering Over Stone Circle

"At shortly after midnight on 18 April, Mark and Clair Coolidge of Manchester, England were driving past Stonehenge - Britain's most famous ancient structure - when they witnessed a strange aerial object hovering over the stones."

A UFO over Stonehenge. And I thought this was just the sort of thing you saw on T-shirts purchased in tacky Sedona, Arizona giftshops . . .

And while my post on "Planet of the Apes" is still fresh: Take a look at this picture of Arcosanti, Paolo Soleri's experimental arcology community. It has the same curvy, retro look as Ape City . . .

Or is it just me?

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