Sunday, June 20, 2004

Alongside Rick Strassman's book on DMT research, I'm reading Colin Wilson's "The Outsider" -- an astute and fascinating book that tells it like it is. Camus, Kafka, Nietzsche, H.G. Wells, existential nausea -- Wilson's got the territory covered.

Wilson penned "The Outsider" when he was 24, helping him to become something of a literary superstar in England. The edition I'm reading has a cool first-person introduction about Wilson's short-lived fame, the trappings of publishing success and the critical establishment's intellectual snobbery (especially pronounced in 1950s England).

I'm making less progress in the fiction arena. Just today I found two science fiction books that look like they might be worthwhile, but I refrained from actually buying them on the spot. I have a large pile of "to-reads" collecting on my refrigerator and others scattered about less conspicuously.

My apologies to those who've sent me review copies of their books -- I'll get there. Eventually.

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