Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Gerald T. posted the following as a comment to my post about feeling trapped in a recursive, going-nowhere pattern:

Is it possible that hybrids are planted in to human society and not told of their heritage?

He's referring to alien-human hybrids. If we're to accept the conclusions of Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs -- not dumb men by any measure, but certainly not immune from flawed conclusions -- then we inhabit a world that's quietly under siege by bug-eyed alien genetic engineers. Jacobs, in particular, is convinced that the aliens plan to take over by insinuating more and more transgenic "hybrids" into terrestrial society: not the "shock and awe" invasion of "Independence Day," but potentially just as nasty.

And I'm not sure, but I think Gerald might have been getting at the idea of me being a hybrid -- albeit an amnesiac one.

Could it be the "hybrid" motif described by abduction experiencers is, to borrow a term coined by John Mack, "reified metaphor"? Furthermore, could we all be "aliens" of some kind, enmeshed in a long-term project that's quite beyond our comprehension? Maybe when DMT users report their friends taking on the appearance of "alien insects" they're actually seeing through the duplicitous weave of our "normal" ontological fabric.

Drawing by me.

When I flip on my polarized shades, I suddenly see interesting honeycomb patterns on the back-windshields of cars. The patterns were there all the time, right in front of me -- but until I subjected them to the right filter they were almost perfectly invisible. I think some psychedelics might have a similar effect on perception. (As a total "square" who hasn't taken anything much stronger than Tylenol, I don't have any Huxley-like revelations to impart, unfortunately. I just read the literature.)

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