Thursday, June 17, 2004

Is The Moon An Artificial Orbiter?

"The Moon acts suspiciously like an artificial machine rather than a natural body of space rock. It circles the Earth in a perfect circular orbit, always keeping one face turned toward the Earth, something the planets and other moons around them rarely do. Only Lapetus, one of the moons circling Saturn, shows similar characteristics." (Via Post-atomic.)

There are two possibilities that come to mind -- one immediate and other less so. The Moon could be an artificially emplaced mechanism designed to hasten the development of intelligent life on Earth; or its seemingly deliberate nature can be explained by a version of the Anthropic Cosmological Principle: If the universe didn't exist as we observe it, we simply wouldn't be here to observe it. We are an outgrowth of the Cosmos, intricately woven into its fabric. In light of the Anthropic Principle, the fact that the Moon exhibits some "uncanny" traits indicating artificiality isn't necessarily that surprising.

By the way, isn't it weird how the Moon (which is tiny but really close) and the Sun (which is huge but really far away) just happen to appear the same size to ground-based observers? This illusion is dramatically illustrated during solar eclipses. If the Moon is indeed an artifact constructed by some ancient alien intelligence, this might be a tip-off . . .

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