Saturday, June 05, 2004

I've been seeing Bush/Cheney '04 bumperstickers. Evidently people are voting for this guy. I don't get it. What's going through their heads? What are they thinking? Here's a "president" who's started what may well turn out to be World War Three (if it hasn't already) based on a tissue of obvious, demonstrated falsehoods. He claims to take orders from an anthropomorphic otherworldly being called "God." He believes it is his job to personally hasten the End of the World. There's increasing speculation that he's suffered an actual mental breakdown.

Yet there are people out there -- presumably breathing the same air as you and I -- who catch Bush's ads on television and think to themselves, "I'm going to vote for this guy. This guy looks like he has what it takes to lead the most powerful nation on the planet." And, moreover, they buy bumperstickers -- sometimes two or three -- so they can broadcast this totally aberrant sentiment to anyone unfortunate enough to find themselves driving behind them.

I need some Xanax.

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