Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Level 3 of Consciousness

"In Level 3, we start with a vision of what we want to create. From there we choose our models. Sometimes a chosen model may seem insane to the other inhabitants of the little patch of space-time we happen to occupy. No matter. Men with a vision of goodwill have often looked insane in times of mistrust and scarcity. But in Level 3, we realize that the universe is not a maze to be navigated; it is a baby to be brought up. When we give it love, clarity, and opportunity, we raise a child to be a joyful, giving, successful adult. This is the opportunity we have to farm our little patch of space-time."

Very well-said. I can't believe I haven't read Brodie's book. Although I remember looking in the index for any mention of Burroughs' "language-as-virus" concept and being disappointed.

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