Sunday, June 06, 2004

Name (and URL) Mac Tonnies
Results Received 191
Total CPU Time 6884 hr 14 min
Average CPU Time per work unit 36 hr 02 min 35.4 sec
Average results received per day 0.12
Last result returned: Sun Jun 6 21:47:55 2004 UTC
Registered on: Mon Feb 21 05:58:02 2000 UTC


Your rank out of 5021925 total users is: 671782nd place.
The number of users who have this rank: 1843
You have completed more work units than 86.586% of our users.

I've been at this for a while now -- 4.295 years, to be exact. At this point I think I might have better luck finding aliens in my closet . . .

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