Saturday, June 05, 2004

Venus about to make Sun passage

"Venus will appear as a tiny black disc against our star but no one should look for it without the proper equipment."

Scientists. What do they know?

Mars Rover Opportunity Gets Green Light To Enter Crater

"The soonest Opportunity could enter Endurance is early next week. It will drive to the top of a prospective entry-and-exit route on the southern edge of the crater and make a final check of the slope. If the route is no steeper than what recent testing runs at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., suggest a rover can climb, controllers plan to radio Opportunity the command to go into the crater."

This is the first remotely "gutsy" thing either of the rovers have done so far. I think it would be great if it slipped and skidded down the crater embankment (taking crazily blurred pictures all the way) and then came to a perfect rest on the bottom, a testament to JPL's engineering mettle.

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